Author Bio:
Robert G. Lockhart is a Black-American writer born in the State of Indiana. At the age of thirteen, Lockhart moved to California and grew up in a middle class neighborhood. In 1983, he attended College in California where he graduated with a degree in the Arts. Later in 1989, Lockhart moved to Wisconsin to be with his family. He Married and had one son during the marriage. Lockhart enlisted into the U.S. Army National Guard and served one deployment to Iraq where he was injured and returned to the states. In 1993, Lockhart divorced and fought for joint custody of his son. Angry with the way he was treated during his custody proceedings, Lockhart became determined to present Child Custody events more accurately than society depicts. Thus, he wrote "Fathers Have Rights Too" a Narrative Non-Fiction.
Far too often, good fathers are put into the category of "Deadbeat Dads." For many years sole custody has been assumed and awarded to the mother in 99% of all child custody disputes. In effect, the father's rights are terminated. The father's role becomes that of a visitor to his child and a paycheck to the child's mother. This is not the best outcome for the overwhelming majority of children. These children are deprived of something they fundamentally need and deserve: the ongoing involvement of both parents. The book, Fathers Have Rights Too, is meant to convince estranged parents to work together in a parenting plan. Parents must cooperate with each other for the best interest of the child. Fathers, as well as society, must appeal to lawmakers to consider writing enforceable laws for fathers as well as for any parents who are denied their rights. Law enforcement agencies and family courts should be encouraged to provide equal justice for fathers, as they do mothers. Many fathers have been arrested because irate mothers have made false accusations in order to revoke their paternal custody rights. Published studies indicate that eliminating fathers from the lives of their children substantially increases the risk of lower academic achievement, juvenile delinquency, and suicide. The family courts should make parental involvement with their children, the principal consideration, not child support.
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From Author . . . .
A Narrative Non-Fiction Novel
Even in service to their country, fathers can't escape the wrath of mothers who's only out for a paycheck and the destruction of relationships between fathers and their children. While fathers are deployed, mothers reach out to the courts to change their custody rights permanently, thus violating the father's rights of equal parenting.